Sorint guidelines on Public Discourse
luca Pedrazzini
- 27 May, 2018
- 05 Mins read
(advices and simples rules)

Google Cloud Summit 2018 - Milano
Andrea Pianosi
- 25 May, 2018
- 02 Mins read
La testa nel Cloud ma con i piedi per terra

UX or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love to Explain
Fabio Arrigoni
- 24 May, 2018
- 01 Min read
Some concepts and tools for your pleasure

Call to Action! ...Call to write!
luca Pedrazzini
- 20 May, 2018
- 02 Mins read
I think everyone in Sorint, today, has to start writing a book (His own book. Our book)