Nicola Benaglia
4 posts

Kubernetes to orchestrate your wonderful containers
Nicola Benaglia
- 17 Sep, 2018
- 01 Min read
Kubernetes is a very succesful open-source orchestrator. Why do you need an orchestrator?

AWS GameDay 2018 in Milan
Nicola Benaglia
- 11 Sep, 2018
- 01 Min read
Sorint.Lab had the pleasure to partecipate to the AWS GameDay

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
Nicola Benaglia
- 29 Aug, 2018
- 02 Mins read
My preparation experience for the exam.

Authorization of developers working on a Kubernetes cluster
Nicola Benaglia
- 18 Aug, 2018
- 02 Mins read
When a lot of developers need to work on your Kubernetes cluster, you need to face some problems.