AWS GameDay 2018 in Milan
Nicola Benaglia
- 11 Sep, 2018
- 01 Min read

Sorint.Lab had the pleasure to partecipate to the AWS GameDay in Milan from 3th to 5th of September 2018.
A GameDay is an extremely useful way to learn AWS environment by playing a funny challenge: Unicorn.Rentals
The first day was fully dedicated to the challenge and we experimented AWS best practices and used the AWS platform. The game allows to simulate events (even catastrophic!) and test if your architecture survives and resists to them. Different teams compete to build the strongest and most resistant architecture and have to manage/change it in a profitable way.
The second day AWS Solution Architects Diego Natali and Nacho Garcia presented a workshop on "AWS Serverless" and we spent the whole afternoon with a hands-on lab.
The third day AWS Specialist Architect Paul Maddox spoke about "Containers on AWS" and again the hands-on lab followed.
We want to thank Amazon for the opportunity and the friendly hospitality in their offices.
Nicola Benaglia, Riccardo Guerrini, Walter Traspadini