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Sircles  sorint.lab  sorintians  be part of it  Innovation  leadership 

Call to Action! ...Call to write!

If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of the potential, for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints, possibility never. Søren Kierkegaard, Either/Or: A Fragment of Life*

It is quite certain that during a meeting with me you heard me say "I think everyone should write a book" about their experience, today, in Sorint. We are facing the most powerful Industrial Revolution based on innovation and technology. This "Digital Industrial revolution" leverage on Information Technology new paradigms. New Approaches, new Methodologies, new architectures, new infrastructure, new services, new organizational models. Here in Sorint we (you) are developing a new kind of organization (Sircles based) with the freedom of innovation in every aspect of your job. You are the leader of this revolution. With competence, passion and creativity. We are partnering with the industry leaders, implementing the most innovative technologies to the larger customers all around the world. Thorough this journey on becoming a leader, contributing to the Value Proposition of sorint.lab (first time in an organization) you will face (and solve) issues and problems who deserve to be part of your personal Book. I'd like to be able in 5 years time to read your book on how you developed the knowledge in a specific field, how you fostered team working, knowledge transfer... how you developed your roles in the sircles(champion, talent, planner, engager, leader, academier, ...), helped the customers to succeed, created new tools... solved team problems, developed new way to interviews candidates... and more...

I know, writing a book is a hard work and.. here it comes the idea of this blog. Start using it and posting. Create a post on whatever you are working on. This can help your sorint mate to deal with a technical problem, to find the right resources, ... but also will be a fantastic resource to understand how sorint evolved if you write easily what are you doing. I'll do the same.

Be Part of IT!!!

"Se dovessi desiderare qualcosa per me, non desidererei ricchezze o forza, ma la passione della possibilità, quell'occhio che eternamente giovane, eternamente ardente, vede dappertutto la possibilità. Il godimento disillude, la possibilità no"

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