Escape room: User Experience edition

Escape room: User Experience edition

You have probably seen all types of escape rooms and been to some of them; perhaps you’re even pretty good at it. Well, you’ll love this one, a user experience (UX) nightmare. Usually, good UX transports you across flawlessly designed pages right to your destination. But what happens when user experience is poor?

Click on the link below, and register as a fake user. Easy, right?

If you manage to complete it, send us a screenshot of the final page, and we’ll send you a small gift from Product Office.

Good luck!

Davide Belotti, Graziella Dramisino, Marina Salvati

This article has been ideated and written in collaboration with the Product Office Sircle - your friendly UX/UI neighbors. If you’d like to learn more about user experience and user interface design, check them out on Sircles (, on Floating Point and join their LinkedIn group ( And of course, feel free to ping any of them for a chat!

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