The importance of a "thank you!"

The importance of a "thank you!"

I am quite obsessed with saying thank you... My girlfriend even says that I am annoying and always says "Stop thanking me for what I am doing with pleasure!"

But these days - more than other days in the past - it's easy to ask people to do something for us, to take everything for granted, even their help. But it's not. That's the reason why we must always thank people we are working with, we are living with.

A research shows that gratitude may help build multiple relationships within a social network directly and simultaneously. Gratitude:

  • brings us happiness and reduces anxiety
  • is good for our bodies: strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, reduces symptoms of illness,
  • makes us sleep better
  • makes us more resilient
  • promotes forgiveness

When a grateful person actually takes the time to step outside of themselves and call attention to what was great about the other person's actions - that's what distinguishes gratitude from other kinds of positive emotional expressions (Sara B. Algoe, article linked above)

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