do IT better calendar
Ilaria Chinchella
- 21 Nov, 2019
- 01 Min read

What is "do IT better Calendar"? We at Sorint.lab are passionate about IT, Technology, and everything aroud innovation. That's why we use to share internally a calendar of IT or Tech Events for ourself to attend but also something useful to keep in mind about the IT or Technology evolution. "Don't forget the FUN!" so we fill the calendar with some interesting facts just to celebrate!
Why we open this "Do IT better calendar" to everyone? First of all "to Share" is good. It's good and useful for someone interested in IT, tech, events or facts... and we hope to have a better calendar with the help of everyone...
** ..ok and...** These are just some of the important dates in the history of computer science, but the calendar is constantly updated. Do you want to help make the tech events diary even more extensive? If you notice any events we have missed or would like your event on our list, please insert a comment we'll update the calendar as soon as possible!!! Thanks and come back to check again the calendar!!!