MySQL Day 2018
fabio zanchi
- 01 Jun, 2018
- 01 Min read

On april 19th 2018 Oracle announced the version 8.0 of Mysql. On May 5th two people of sircle database! attended the event "Mysql Day 2018" organized by Oracle/Mysql Italy in Rome.
Oracle want to make the mark by changing from the version 5.7 to a completly new version 8.0.
This new version has a lot of improvement compared to its antecedent and I try to explain you in this post:
- 2x Faster than the previous version 5.7
- Advanced security (only on Enteprise Edition)
- NoSQL Document Store (Hybrid Database)
- GIS improved
Database! Sircle thinks that this version can reduce the gap between Mysql and the other RDBMS database in terms of innovation and security. here the event slides:
Database! Sircle will be available for any clarification and questions!