Software Development Project

Software Development Project


The client needed to computerize and automate the entire process of structuring, booking, and risk management of financial instruments issued by the client to the public, such as*** Equity Certificates***. Certificates are financial instruments characterized by a wide variety of risk-return profiles, providing investors with numerous financial solutions suitable for each different investment strategy. Currently, the whole process is handled manually using Excel, with a huge operational risk.


The solution we came up with was to propose a software that would enable users to do all the work process with less effort and more speed minimizing risks (compared to excel a dedicated and customized software is a better option).


Some functional requirements include:

  1. a User can create a certificate from scratch in a dedicated section of the software
  2. a User can manage all the certificate workflow
  3. a User can consult all the certificates created in a file
  4. software in order to integrate with other applications uses a message exchange system via queue

Our Sircle of about 20 members, developed several microservices using the following technologies:

  1. Database: oracle, relational database
  2. backend: java, using spring boot framework
  3. frontend: html/css, using angular framework

In our development system we have also a continuous integration and delivery/deployment aimed to streamline and accelerate the software development lifecycle.

I would also like to point out that we have two quantitative developers which study all financial mathmatical models and develop algorithms.

We implemented a suite of tests (unit-test and integration-test) as react quickly to detect bugs within the code. In addition, code refactoring activities were carried out with the aim of reducing complexity, improving architecture and readability.

In Production and Test environments, the software is installed by manually launching our updated scripts.

The customer was grateful for our work, which started in 2017 and is in continuous development.


We use agile software development methodology that enable us to release software changes quickly. We release about 12 versions of the software per year for the customer

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