Angular day 2018
Manuele Dones
- 19 Jun, 2018
- 01 Min read

Angular day conference: two amazing days of Angular stuff: from state management by NGRX to the best software development approaches, best practice, performance tips and much more!
Verona, Hotel San Marco
June 14th, 15th 2018
- Fabrizio Rizzi
- Luca Morello
- Manuele Dones
Main Topics
- Angular 6
- Redux, NGRX
- Change detection, zone.js
- Angular Elements
- Angular Univeral
- Code quality
- Progressive Web App
- Keynote - Fabio Biondi
- Enterprise application using Angular 6 workspace and schematics - Paolo Galfione
- Change Detection, Zone.js - Francesco Sciuti
- Angular Elements - Michele Stieven
- The Jedi Path to Angular Universal - Michel Murabito
- The pursuit of quality - Jiayi Hu
- PWA - Emanuele Bartolesi
Super Secret Spoiler
The next year the talk will be held in English, with the presence of a Google developer from the core team of Angular!!