[COVID-19] [GLOBAL] Thank You SORINTians!
- Francesca Personelli
- 08 May, 2020
- 01 Min read
Monday 4th May marks the beginning of the eleventh week since the discovery of the first case of COVID-19 in the North Italy. We initially struggled to become aware of what was going on and then found ourselves in lockdown along with the rest of Italy. This happened all over the world, only with different times and speeds.
Monday 4th May was also the first day of the **“Fase 2” **in Italy: some of the restrictive measures have been lifted and many business activities reopened. The lockdown period made us discover a new way of working, Sorint lab has therefore decided to continue in this new and innovative direction, because for us the most important thing is the safeguard of people. Speaking of which, thank to all of those who sent the pictures for our website wall! https://www.sorint.it/en/home/
In the last few days the Grassobbio headquarters have been supervisioned in order to assess the risks and to create a safer the working environment. We are, of course, concerned about this “new normality” with all of the associated risks , but we are also very confident in Sorintians’ sense of responsability! We put up some signs in the common spaces of the building in Grassobbio, in order to illustrate the safe behaviours to be maintained, we also included the payoff:** #Responsibility&Creativity**
We'd like to share with you two important goals achieved thanks to the solidarity of Sorintians, who donated 40 tablets to the Policlinic Ca' Granda of Milano and the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo and a machine for washing and sanitizing medical gowns for the Severo Ochoa Hospital in Madrid.
So Thank You SORINTians!