How to learn better

How to learn better

According to some researches, the human brain is capable to store something like 2.5 petabytes of information! But how can we effectively learn new things? Here a few suggestions:

  • Spaced repetition: practices frequently and ofter. Study regularly a new subject for 15 minutes a day
  • Good night sleep: sleep is vital to store new information
  • Focus: don't procastinate but focus on what you are studying. You can also use the pomodoro technique
  • Hard stuff first: work of difficult subjects when you have your full energy
  • Exercise, meditate and talk: these are activity that promote neural function and growth
  • Go to different places: you can better learn new things in environment that offer visual stimuli
  • Find a fun way to learn: happy emotions are remembered for a long time
  • Space studies: review frequently
  • 1/3 rule: study for 1/3 of your time, and then recite/practice for 2/3
  • Instant self test: immediate recalls help memorize better
  • Don't force it: if you are not in the mood of learning, just wait! Learning is like hunger: you can't force yourself to eat if you are not hungry
  • Find your own style of learning: everybody is different! You may prefer learning while wathcing a movie, in silence, while eating nuts...

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