How to learn better
Simone Rossi
- 27 Nov, 2023
- 01 Min read

According to some researches, the human brain is capable to store something like 2.5 petabytes of information! But how can we effectively learn new things? Here a few suggestions:
- Spaced repetition: practices frequently and ofter. Study regularly a new subject for 15 minutes a day
- Good night sleep: sleep is vital to store new information
- Focus: don't procastinate but focus on what you are studying. You can also use the pomodoro technique
- Hard stuff first: work of difficult subjects when you have your full energy
- Exercise, meditate and talk: these are activity that promote neural function and growth
- Go to different places: you can better learn new things in environment that offer visual stimuli
- Find a fun way to learn: happy emotions are remembered for a long time
- Space studies: review frequently
- 1/3 rule: study for 1/3 of your time, and then recite/practice for 2/3
- Instant self test: immediate recalls help memorize better
- Don't force it: if you are not in the mood of learning, just wait! Learning is like hunger: you can't force yourself to eat if you are not hungry
- Find your own style of learning: everybody is different! You may prefer learning while wathcing a movie, in silence, while eating nuts...